Peer Learning Programs
Peer learning, which is practitioners learning and teaching together, is central to the Green Infrastructure Leadership Exchange’s theory of change because of its potential to produce innovations in Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) practice. The Exchange has several peer learning circles that meet monthly or bi-monthly. Circle members often also collaborate on projects that advance GSI practice through the Exchange’s Re-grant Programs. These projects have produced a variety of guides available on our Publications Page.
This year there are nine learning circles with six returning circles (topics below) and three new circles (*topics to be developed throughout the year by learning circle members). Members can view the Community Calendar and access meeting links by logging in under the “For Members” area. Circles are listed in order of week of the month and weekday:
- Placing Equity at the Center (1st THU | 11:00am pacific | 2:00pm eastern)
- Planning & Resilience (1st TUE | 11:00am pacific | 2:00pm eastern)
- Innovations in Design (1st WED | 10:00am pacific | 1:00pm eastern)
- Innovations in Funding & Financing (2nd MON | 10:00am pacific | 1:00pm eastern)
- *Leadership (2nd WED | 11:00am pacific | 2:00pm eastern | 45min | The Leadership circle will be a way to continue the Leadership pilot program in a Learning Circle format.)
- *New Member (3rd MON | 9:00am pacific | 12:00pm eastern in Jul, Sep, Nov, Jan, Mar | 45min | The New Member circle will be a way for new, newer and returning members to have an orientation to member programs and resources.)
- Maximizing GSI Performance (2nd TUE | 10:00am pacific | 1:00pm eastern)
- Asset Management (2nd THU | 10:00am pacific | 1:00pm eastern)
- *Book Group (4th THU | 9:00am pacific | 12:00pm eastern | 45min | The Jun-Aug book will be “Connect>Innovate>Scale Up” by Plastrik, Taylor, & Cleveland with future books TBD. The Book Group will read three books throughout the year and members can attend one or all three books.)
Members can learn more, signup or change circles throughout the year by contacting Veronica (