Near the end of each month a posting will be shared that summarizes what the Learning Circles have been doing together. This will include topics discussed, resources shared and what’s coming up in the next month. The upcoming months may change based on the co-chair planning between Learning Circles.
Members are welcome to drop in on extra Learning Circles if an upcoming topic is of interest. The Community Calendar is the best place to find Zoom links and dates (use your member login to access). If you’d like to be added to a specific Learning Circles roster/calendar so it shows up on your personal calendar too, contact Veronica (
Save the Dates!: We will have an all-circle virtual gathering for members October 30 to November 2. The programming will relate to all members. Learning Circles that usually meet at these times will be canceled and the circles that meet later in November will decide on if they will meet or cancel. The program is still in the planning stages but we plan to offer each session twice so that there are more opportunities for members to participate based on their schedule.
- Monday October 30th and Wednesday November 1st: 10am-12pm Pacific / 1pm-3pm Eastern
- Tuesday October 31th & Thursday November 2nd: 11am-1pm Pacific / 2pm-4pm Eastern
Resources shared: these were resources that were shared throughout our informal show-and-tell and some are resources that came up in discussions.
- Podcast: ASCE Plot Points Podcast (American Society of Civil Engineers)
- Podcast: Future Cities podcast and episodes Future of Urban Hydrology and Environmental Justice and Green Infrastructure
- Resource: Green Stormwater Infrastructure Assistance Programs Guidebook: A Tool for Managers, Planners, and Other Agency Staff to Update or Create a Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Assistance Program (focus: western Washington state)
- Video: Watch from min 5:15 to about min 8:00 for an example of measuring a pond easily with the The Jim Farkas Method (Video: Wet Ponds – North Carolina DEQ)
- Pictures: A couple members shared recent trip pictures visiting green infrastructure sites, which included a couple breweries and these two images which are from the Karens Minde Axis Renewal Project in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Karens Minde Axis renewal project provides a space for cultural and social activities as well as the capacity to delay and handle a cloudburst event. New York City has been collaborating with Copenhagen to develop cloudburst solutions to improve the City’s resiliency and community investment goals. Visit the State of Green site for form information about GSI in Denmark.
Asset Management Learning Circle: In July, we gathered topics from the group to plan for the year, so watch for these to be scheduled in the coming months. For August, members will bring (or email ahead to Veronica) 1-2 images of an asset that is the best, worst, before, after, or most interesting green infrastructure asset. Everyone will talk for a few minutes about why they brought that asset. We will discuss these all after everyone has a chance to share their asset pictures.
Book Group Learning Circle: This is the first year for a Book/Reading Group Learning Circle! This month we discussed Chapters 3 and 4 in Connect > Innovate > Scale Up: How Networks Create Systems Change by Plastrik, Taylor, and Cleveland (2022). Next month we will read the last two chapters and we are thinking about reading Charleston: Race, Water, and the Coming Storm by Susan Crawford (2023) or a series or journal articles starting in September.
Innovations in Design Learning Circle: In August, we will have a short presentation on weirs and outlets from Philadepliha and use this to discuss how other cities design their weirs and outlets. In September, we will continue with a presentation on outlet and right of way projects in Portland, Oregon. In October there will be a presentation on inlets from Portland as well. The topic schedule may adjust as we go, so watch for the next monthly post for updates.
Innovations in Funding & Financing Learning Circle: In July, we discussed a couple resources which included (1) Financing Green Stormwater and Natural Infrastructure with Clean Water State Revolving Funds, (2) What it Means to Support Equitable State Investments in Water Infrastructure, and the (3) Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Funding Opportunities for Puget Sound Recovery. In August, we will have a presentation from Baltimore about lessons learned in their funding context.
Leadership Learning Circle: This is the first year for a Leadership Learning Circle! In July, we continued to plan for the year. In August we will do a value-based activity during the meeting. Before the August meetings, members will pick one or more of these free tests to try out: (1) 16 Personalities, (2) Changemaker Quiz: What Kind of Changemaker Are You?, (3) HIGH5 Strengths Finder, or (4) VIA Character Strengths Survey. Each tests usually asks for an email so you can choose to use an email that you prefer for these online tests/tools. We will discuss what members learned about themselves and how the activity and tests support their approach to leadership.
New Member Learning Circle: This is the first year for a New Member Learning Circle! In July, the city of New Orelans walked us through their Interactive Guide To Green Infrastructure and Climate Resilient City Tool. In September, Toronto Canada will present their experience with regulations and the other cities on the call will discuss their approach to regulation.
Maximizing GSI Performance Learning Circle: In July, we gathered topics from the group to plan for the year, so watch for these to be scheduled in the coming months. For August, members will bring (or email ahead to Veronica) 1-2 images of how they measure infiltration. Everyone will talk for a few minutes about their infiltration approach. Then we will discuss the various practices and methods that are used to measure infiltration.
Placing Equity at the Center Learning Circle: In July, we started to discuss the Tools for Planning, Engagement, and Governance resource series. In August we will discuss the next resource in this series: Community-Driven Engagement Processes. Prior to the August meeting, members can also browse these Exchange resources that will relate to the reading series: (1) Centering Equity in Green Infrastructure, (2) Green Infrastructure Leadership Exchange Equity Statement of Purpose, and (3) Equity Guide for Green Stormwater Infrastructure Practitioners.
Planning & Resilience Learning Circle: In July, we had a show-and-tell with this article: Why Go Green? Comparing Rationales and Planning Criteria for Green Infrastructure in U.S. City Plans by Hoover et al. (2023; Open Access). In August, we will also gather topics from the group for the year.