Welcome Ferguson Waterworks!

Jun 14, 2024 | Uncategorized

The Exchange is pleased to welcome our new member, Robert Woodman of Ferguson Waterworks! Rob leads a team of engineers and technical specialists across the country who are focused on supporting civil engineers, landscape architects, developers and municipalities – helping overcome challenges in the wet weather space with a series of innovative stormwater solutions. One of their standout projects involves supporting consultants working on the MMSD School playground retrofit projects in Milwaukee. These initiatives are notable for leveraging triple bottom line co-benefits, particularly their significant community impact. Ferguson Waterworks has fostered strong partnerships with the Philadelphia Water Department, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, and New York City DEP- with a strong focus on developing and implementing upstream filters and screens for GSI assets, aiming to reduce life cycle costs and streamline maintenance. Looking ahead, Rob is excited to see growth in the implementation of GSI in non-coastal states and to see further development of solutions to address emerging pollutants like bacteria, PFAS, 6PPD Quinone etc. We look forward to the Exchange’s new Associate Members and their contributions to our growing network.

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