Please join the Exchange in welcoming New Jersey Future to memership! NJF’s Mainstreaming Green Infrastructure (MGI) program, led by its dedicated manager, Lindsey Massih, is advancing the adoption of GSI to address pressing water quality and flooding challenges. Through collaborations with an advisory committee, municipalities, and partners like Princeton Hydro, the program recently published the New Jersey Stormwater Retrofit Best Management Practices Guide. This guide equips stakeholders with tools to implement and retrofit GSI solutions in developed areas. As the state prepares to adopt the NJDEP’s Resilient Environments and Landscapes (REAL) rules, requiring GSI integration in redevelopment projects, MGI continues to learn from national peers while driving innovative and resilient stormwater management practices across New Jersey. Lindsey hopes to gain insight into what other states are doing to address flooding and water quality issues through nature-based solutions. Consider joining the Exchange to stay up to date with Lindsey’s work on the MGI Program.
Welcome HDR, Inc!
The Exchange is delighted to welcome HDR, Inc. as a new member and a Supporting Sponsor of the 2025 Annual Meeting! As HDR’s Stormwater Business...