Exchange Publishes Community Voices on Equity & Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Mar 27, 2023 | Insights

Heavily quoted in the soon-to-be-released State of Public Sector Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Report, Community Voices reflects the voice and perspective of community members, especially those living in low-wealth neighborhoods and historic communities of colors and cultures, on how municipal GSI planning and implementation is being experienced on the ground. The report, prepared by Catalyst Collaboratives, is a direct response to concerns raised by Exchange members and others that the voice of public sector practitioners on the state of equity practice is only part of the story and must be balanced by the perspectives of those that have borne a disproportionate burden of historical policy shortcomings and climate change impacts, like flooding and infrastructure failure. A key finding is this:

The depth to which community members are engaged by public sector representatives, in the face of any neighborhood change, is the primary determinant of equity outcomes–that is, whether, how, and to what extent that neighborhood change is shaped and unfolds in ways that equitably distribute benefits and burdens across different populations.

Read the report here.

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