How the Exchange Can Foster a State of Environmental Justice: 3 Takeaways

May 14, 2023 | Insights

As my part of the welcoming plenary session at this year’s Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, I offered comments on why the Exchange is uniquely situated to help foster a state of environmental justice and how that relates to our plans to create a framework of GSI practice (aka, “Playbook). You can find the slides here.  Here are 3 takeaways:

  • The Exchange is uniquely situated to foster a state of environmental justice because It is a social impact network, i.e. a group of individuals coming together to innovate solutions to meeting regulatory requirements around stormwater while also realizing co-benefits that will benefit disadvantaged communities.
  • The innovation that happens through our peer learning and re-grant programs is central to who we are as an organization and to fostering a state of environmental justice.
  • Network theorist, Peter Plastrik, says that taking these innovations to scale requires a “basic conceptual framework” of standards, related best practices, and case studies (i.e., a “Playbook”).

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