Learning Circle Learning – April 2024

Apr 30, 2024 | Programs

Below is a summary of monthly Learning Circles throughout summer 2023 to spring 2024. The last circles of the season were held in April 2024 while there is a break during summer.

GSI Framework (aka Playbook): In February 2024 there were four interactive sessions with Greenprint Partners for ongoing work on the GSI Framework (aka Playbook). We also held a limited-series GSI Framework Learning Circle in March, April and May to continue to work with Greenprint Partners on the topics to be developed for the overall Framework.

Asset Management Learning Circle: In August 2023, each member presented 1-2 images of an asset in their portfolio (e.g., best, worst, before, after, most interesting). The group then discussed the various asset examples. In September, we held a group discussion using these discussion prompts (1) what mechanisms hold contractors liable (e.g., security/hold backs) and how effective are they, (2) what mechanisms ensure plants reach maturity (e.g., warranty period, capitalized establishment cost for operations and maintenance, etc.), and (3) how does your agency verify that the asset was constructed per design/as-builts (e.g.. inspection protocol, performance verification)? In October, Tucson shared their new Asset Management Platform that recently went online. In November, Toronto presented an update on their Greenforce TO equity-based workforce development crew. The presentation included the evolution of the program since it’s 2021 pilot year, achievements and challenges. In January 2024, Raleigh provided an update on how they continues to advance GSI. In March, Portland shared an update on their history and perspectives of workforce models. In April, we looked back at the year and gathered ideas for next year.

Book Group Learning Circle: In the summer from June to August 2023, we read Connect > Innovate > Scale Up: How Networks Create Systems Change by Plastrik, Taylor, and Cleveland (2022). From September to November, we read Charleston: Race, Water, and the Coming Storm by Susan Crawford (2023). In January 2024, we read a portion of Nature-Based Solutions for Cities (2023), which is an open access edited collection. We discussed Chapters 1 – 3 (30 pages).

Innovations in Design Learning Circle: In August 2023, we had a presentation on GSI Outlet Structure Weirs from Philadelphia. In September, there was a presentation on outlet and right of way projects by Portland, Oregon. In October, Portland also shared their inlet projects throughout the city. In November, Philadelphia discussed infiltration in sewer and combined systems. In January 2024, Pittsburgh and the Exchange shared their presentation from the 3 Rivers Wet Weather Sewer Conference on the State of Public Sector Green Stormwater Infrastructure from the perspective of the survey results and also from the Pittsburgh perspective featuring projects, funding, and levers. In March, there was a round robin on permeable pavement with a focus on road, right of way, and pedestrian clearways. In April, we looked back at the year and gathered ideas for next year.

Innovations in Funding & Financing Learning Circle: In August 2023, we had a presentation from Baltimore about lessons learned in their funding context over the last two decades with a stormwater fee implementation. In October, Washington, DC presented on financing GI through their DC Green Bank. In November, Pittsburgh and the Exchange shared their presentation from the 3 Rivers Wet Weather Sewer Conference on the State of Public Sector Green Stormwater Infrastructure from the perspective of the survey results and also from the Pittsburgh perspective featuring projects, funding, and levers. In December, there was a presentation by Rainplan on their Incentive Program Administrator. In March 2024, Philadelphia presented on their pre-development grant process. In April, Portland, Oregon shared the implementations they made after their rate analysis.

Leadership Learning Circle: In August 2023, we did a value-based activity during the meeting and discussed how values relate to leadership. In September, we discussed the 16 Personalities results to consider how well the results connect and also how the results relate leadership. In October we began the “Leadership Self-Assessment” form. In November we discussed managing conflict along with two article: “What Is Psychological Safety at Work? How Leaders Can Build Psychologically Safe Workplaces” and “Leading a Multicultural Team.”

New Member Learning Circle: Throughout the 2023-2024 year, new and re-orientating members dropped in for an orientation to the Exchange with one or two SPPC (Strategic Planning & Policy Committee) members. During the meetings, experienced members of the Exchange shared their GSI experience and how to make the most of being a member of the Exchange. In July 2023, the city of New Orleans walked us through their Interactive Guide To Green Infrastructure and Climate Resilient City Tool. Potential water utility members from the south east joined the call in November 2023.

Maximizing GSI Performance Learning Circle: In August 2023, members brought 1-2 images to present how they measure infiltration. The group then discussed the various practices and methods that are used to measure infiltration. In September, we discussed data that was collected by learning circle members that included stormwater flow, water quality, infiltration, and plant health. In October, Vancouver presented on soil health and wetland ecosystems. In November, the “International Stormwater BMP Database” joined us to talk about their database and other tools and resources. In December, there was a presentation from Philadelphia about their web-based apps (SHINY) used for GSI monitoring. In March 2024, we did a round robin on what members are currently working on. In April, we discussed the Bioretention Plant Selection Tool Framework that Exchange members worked on in 2023.

Placing Equity at the Center Learning Circle: In August 2023, we used these two questions to generate topics for the year: (1) what are you able to give to this learning circle? (e.g., resources, experience, presentation, topic discussion, knowledge, etc.) and (2) what would you like to receive from this learning circle? In September, three members (Boulder County, CO; Grand Rapids, MI; and Washington, DC) presented on their equity work in practice. In October, Tucson presented on their community equity work. In November, we did a round robin on equity issues that are coming up recently, which included hiring practices, up/downstream funding differences, and the US federal Justice 40 initiative. In December, there was a presentation from Washington, DC about their resilience matrix and Philadelphia presented on their current equity-focused programs. In March and April 2024, we worked with the Equity course designer team and the GSI Equity course will pilot this summer.

Planning & Resilience Learning Circle: In August 2023, we gathered topics from the group to plan for the year, which included urban heat islands, flood resiliency, climate gentrification, and collaboration across/within departments related to the structures of organizations and how plans are implemented. In September, we discussed the Exchange’s Climate Resilience Resources Guide: Part 1. In October, Pittsburgh, Toronto and Vancouver presented on their organizational structures at different levels and scales (e.g., context, demographics, geographies, small and large institutional frameworks). In November, St. Louis, New Orleans, and Charlotte presented on their organizational structures and in January 2024, Boston and MARC (Mid-America Regional Council in Kansas City region) presented on their organizational structures. In March, we did a round robin on what members are currently working on and in April, we looked back at the year and gathered ideas for next year.

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