Learning Circle Learning – October 2023

Oct 31, 2023 | Programs

Below is summary of monthly Learning Circles and what is coming up next month. Exchange members are welcome to drop in on any Learning Circle. The Community Calendar is the best place to find Zoom links and dates (use your member login to access the calendar and meeting links). If you’d like to be added to a specific Learning Circle email roster and calendar for regular updates, contact Veronica (veronica@giexchange.org).

Mid Year Learning Circle Gathering: Thank you to everyone who attended one of the four all-group sessions on October 30th and 31st. Follow up communication will be coming out in the coming days about the Green Infrastructure Framework of Practice (aka “Playbook“) with that the Exchange is working on with “Greenprint Partners.” The Framework will be an organizing framework of GSI principles, best practices, and case examples. And the Framework will be a starting point for developing further strategies that support GSI innovation and continuous learning.

Asset Management: In October, Tucson share their new Asset Management Platform that recently went online. In November, Raleigh will provide an update on how they continues to advance GSI.

Book Group: This month we continued Charleston: Race, Water, and the Coming Storm by Susan Crawford (2023). In November, we will finished the book and discussion topics for readings for 2024 after taking a break in December. Members of the group do not have to have ready everything to participate.

Innovations in Design: In October, Portland was back to continue and share on inlet projects throughout the city. In November, Grand Rapids will share lessons learned on a recent project and Philadelphia will discuss infiltration in sewer and combined systems.

Innovations in Funding & Financing: In October, Washington, DC presented on financing GI through their DC Green Bank. In November, we will use the Exchange’s “The State of Public Sector Green Stormwater Infrastructure” focusing on funding and financing throughout the report. We will discuss what was learned, what questions came, and what kinds of actions steps are possible for agencies and the Exchange.

Leadership: In October we began the “Leadership Self-Assessment” form and will discuss managing conflict in November along with two article: “What Is Psychological Safety at Work? How Leaders Can Build Psychologically Safe Workplaces” and “Leading a Multicultural Team.”

New Member: In November a few senior members of the Exchange will drop in to share their experience in GSI and how to make the most of being a member of the Exchange. This circle meets every other month.

Maximizing GSI Performance: In October, Vancouver will presented on soil health and wetland ecosystems. In November, the “International Stormwater BMP Database” will join us! Drop in for this circle if you want to learn what is new with the database.

Placing Equity at the Center: In October, Tucson presented on their community equity work. In November, we will use the Exchange’s “The State of Public Sector Green Stormwater Infrastructure” focusing on equity section of the report. We will discuss what was learned, what questions came, and what kinds of actions steps are possible for agencies and the Exchange.

Planning & Resilience: In October, Pittsburgh, Toronto and Vancouver presented on their organizational structures at different levels and scales (e.g., context, demographics, geographies, small and large institutional frameworks), which will be connected to how GSI is planned and implemented. We will continue with more agencies in November and December.

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